Mercari Advent Calendar 2023 is coming up!

Hello! I’m @yasu_shiwaku of the Mercari Engineering Office.
We have our annual Advent Calendar blogathon event in December every year and we’ll be hosting it again this year!

We have both Mercari and Merpay/Mercoin Advent Calendar at the same time, so please check out Merpay/Mercoin side as well.

Merpay Advent Calendar 2023

What is the Advent Calendar?

The original meaning of Advent Calendar is "a calendar that counts down to Christmas". Based on this custom, Advent Calendar is a public blogging event where people post a blog every day from December 1 to 25.

We’ll be sharing our knowledge of the technologies used by our engineers at Mercari group. We hope this Advent Calendar will help you to enjoy the days leading up to Christmas.

Advent Calendars 2022

Publishing schedule

This is a collection of links to each article. I recommend bookmarking this page for the prompt update, and it will be very useful if you want to check it out at a later date.

Date Theme / Title Author
12/1 The Bitter Lesson about Engineers in a ChatGPT World @darren
12/2 How We Saved 75% of our Server Costs @pratik
12/3 How we reduced response latency by over 80% @rclarey
12/4 Performance monitoring in Mercari mobile apps @fp
12/5 The Spirit of Giving: A Year-End Roundup of Our Open Source Contributions @adbutterfield
12/6 強いエンジニア組織に必要な、6つの技術以外のこと – メルカリ編 — @t-hiroi
12/7 英語が苦手なエンジニアがメルカリに入ってどうなったか @otter
12/8 t9n, i18n, l10n, g11n ?! @wills
12/9 Gitブランチ戦略 Stacking手法のケーススタディ @osari.k
12/10 In search of a knowledge management silver bullet @rey
12/11 チームワークと効率向上のカギ!メルカリが成功する大人数iOS開発のための手法とは? @sae
12/12 The art of streamlining mobile app releases @fp
12/13 Leading a team of lead engineers @fp
12/14 Current Microservices Status, Challenges, and the Golden Path @ayman
12/15 BigQuery Unleashed: A Guide to Performance, Data Management and Cost Optimization @sathiya
12/16 Closing the visual testing gap on Android with screenshot tests @lukas
12/17 The new Mercari Master API @cafxx
12/18 ① The Frontend Infrastructure Monorepo @jon
12/18 ② Onboarding施策を成功させるポイント @aisaka
12/19 Leveraging LLMs in Production: Looking Back, Going Forward @andre
12/20 GCSのリソース最適化の取り組みで得た知見 @ayaneko
12/21 iOSDC2023で発表した「メルカリ10年間のiOS開発の歩み」のトークスクリプトを公開 @motokiee
12/22① Making of "Your Mercari History" @manoj
12/22② LM-based query categorization for query understanding (JP) @pakio
12/23① メルカリの中長期技術投資 プロジェクトRFS: 約2年の振り返り @mtsuka
12/23② Fine-Tuned CLIP: Better Listing Experience and 80% More Budget-Friendly @andy971022
12/24 Renovate Web E2E tests with Playwright Runner @jye
12/25 メルカリEngineering Roadmapの作成とその必要性 @kimuras

Please bookmark this article and check it out when you want to read it or follow the official Mercari Developers Twitter @MercariDev so you can be aware of article publication notifications!

We’re looking forward to bringing you some interesting technology stories in the last month of 2023! I hope you’re looking forward to the Advent Calendar!

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